CAJ Library: Follett Destiny
To request books from the CAJ Library
Go to Follett Destiny (or simply start a search below)
In the top-right corner of the Destiny Discover page, click Login
Enter the following information (you will not be able to sign in with Google):
Username = Parallel family ID #
Password = family name
After searching for books and finding one you like, either click on its cover or the 3 dots menu
Click Hold
Continue searching for more books
There is no "Save" button at the end; simply log out or close the window when you are done placing holds. (Note: This is different from the Parallel library catalogue, Libib, which does have a "Complete" button at the end.)
We receive a notification when books have been placed on hold by Parallel families. After collecting your books, we will send you an email confirming whether you are finished with your book request and are ready for us to send them to you by post. If you live in the area or are coming to an event soon we assume you'll be picking them up in person—but we typically confirm this with you too.